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Case Study

Carter Orthodontics Braces Treatment

Patient Background:
Patient, a 16-year-old resident of North Augusta, sought orthodontic treatment to address moderate crowding and misalignment of the teeth. The crowding was causing discomfort and self-consciousness, impacting Patient  confidence and willingness to smile openly.

Treatment Plan:
Upon evaluation of Patient dental condition, our orthodontic team crafted a personalized treatment plan tailored to address the specific concerns. Given Patient desire for a discreet treatment option, it was decided that ceramic braces would be the ideal choice to achieve effective teeth straightening while maintaining aesthetics.

Braces Treatment:
Patient underwent the placement of ceramic braces, which blend seamlessly with the natural tooth color, offering a more subtle appearance compared to traditional metal braces. Regular adjustments were made to ensure the teeth were gradually shifted into proper alignment, addressing the crowding and misalignment effectively.

After 18 months of diligent treatment, Patient achieved a remarkable transformation. The ceramic braces successfully corrected the crowding and misalignment, resulting in a beautifully aligned smile. Patient confidence soared as they proudly displayed their newly enhanced smile, free from the constraints of dental imperfections.

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