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Everyday Tips for Wearing Clear Aligners

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Use toothbrush to brush the clear trays.

Just as anything else in your mouth, your aligners will begin to collect bacteria. Be sure to have a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean the aligners at least once a day. Use gentle motions to remove debris from the inside or outside of your aligners. This will help to keep your trays clean and free of damage or scrapes to the material.

Be sure to clean your aligners frequently.

Keep your orthodontic aligners as clean as your teeth by rinsing the items as often as possible. So, when you eat, be sure to remove them, brush your teeth and trays, and then place them back in your clean mouth again.

Use antimicrobial soap to clean your aligners.

Find a clear soft antibacterial soap at your local drugstore to deep clean your aligners occasionally. To eliminate bacteria from the plastic, use only a tiny drop of soap combined with cool water to wash your trays.

Soak your aligners.

You are required to wear your orthodontic aligners for at least 22 hours of the day. However, if your plastic aligners are discolored, then you can soak them to remove the darkening materials.

Keep your actual teeth clean, too.

Even if you’re regularly keeping the Clear Aligners treatment clean, you should always continue your regular hygiene routine for your teeth and gums. This helps to remove unnecessary bacteria, plaque, and prevent tartar build up in the mouth and on the aligners.

Use cleaning crystals for deep cleaning.

There are special products on the market that can deeply clean your aligners from time to time. These crystals will keep the devices and trays sanitized, especially if you’re using the straightening treatment for a long period of time. Don’t hesitate to ask your dentist for assistance when choosing your cleaning supplies.

If you are interested in being fitted for Clear Aligners, please feel free to call us at (706) 650-0468 to schedule an appointment.


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